Lesto Soft is a software company specialized in the creation and implementation of software products for the optimization and digitization of processes in industrial production and business.
The company offers a wide range of services and solutions, as well as individual developments suitable for each manufacturing company. Our team also performs consulting activities, advising our clients, partners and friends on the best solutions in their industry.
Thanks to our long-term contact with manufacturing companies, we know their processes and challenges well, applying all the knowledge and skills we have gained to improve them.
We took our first breaths of fresh air in the arms of Lesto Product, where we also realized the need to continuously develop and optimize your processes. A condition predetermining the possibility to move with the pace of time, and why not to even get ahead of it.
We strive to find the most correct solutions for every single process in manufacturing companies. Combining our passion for digital technologies and our proactive ideas, we create strategic software solutions with long-term value for our partners.
To inform and support our business partners on their way to the digitization of processes, so that they feel closer to the future every day.
We believe that people define the genome of any company. Our values, our passion for challenges, our enthusiasm and synergy in the team, define the way we see the world and the direction in which we will go in the future.
We approach each project with responsibility and professionalism, driven by the desire to provide not only innovative technologies of high quality, but also the most suitable solutions bringing high added value to our customers.
We work as a team with our clients, openly and with a focus on their proactive ideas, referring to our experience, knowledge of good practices and the possibilities of modern technologies.
We work with a wide range of technologies that allow us to be flexible in the solutions we offer. This is how we accelerate their growth and create strategic digital solutions for their business with long-term value.
We do not stop learning and developing and we welcome the initiative and drive of each of our employees. Passion for technology is in our nature.
Meet the people behind Lesto Soft.
If you are looking for development in a software company working on international projects, we are your place. We expect you!
St. Ilinden №16, Western industrial zone, Vratsa, 3000, Bulgaria
LestoSoft© – All rights reserved.